
Elementary Automata
Renders Wolfram's elementary cellular automata, of which there are 256.


Things I Use
A list of the hardware, software, and other things I use.

My Computers
A list of the most notable computers I've owned (and used).


Classic Classical
The best of classical music (and a tad bit of ragtime). All I listened to in 10th grade.

Prog Rock
"Phil Collin" is the singular form of "Phil Collins". Enough said.

Cassette Rock
Rock music from the 70s and 80s. You could probably find it on cassette, maybe even 8-track.

First Wave
Who needs music with soul? We've got drum machines!


Chapter 2 - Atoms, molecules, and reaction
Chapter 3 - Cells
Chapter 4 - Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Chapter 5 - Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Chapter 6 - Meiosis and Genetics
Chapter 7 - Genetic Disorders

AP Chem 2020 - AP test study guide

Ancient Civ - Rome and Christianity