Revamp — February 01, 2023

What you're looking at is a complete revamp of In all aspects, this site has been made better- better looking, better to read, better to navigate, and better to work with. I'd like to detail the improvements I've made, and how they were implemented.

First, I'm now using a static site generator. Not a full-blown content management system like Hugo, but my own solution- wisPy. I'm not going to repeat the contents of that page here, but all it does is takes markdown files, converts them to HTML, and pastes them into a specified template.. This saves me a lot of time and headache from working with raw HTML, leaving me with more motivation to make new content. By the way, you should give wisPy a try. Since it only does one thing, it's a dead-simple, low-overhead way of converting a vanilla html website to use markdown content. One of my roommates recommended that I pitch it to the professors at my university since lots of them have old, seldom-updated html sites.

I also modernized the theme a bit. I know it still looks old-school, but I really like how it looks now. The main things I did were remove the gap between the main page and sidenav, remove all element shading, and replace the 2008-era subtle backgrounds with solid colors. The orange background isn't going away, but I desaturated it a bit as to appear less jarring. Though it only matters to me, I also reorganized the folder structure to be more logical and therefore less cluttered. Finally, I changed the site's content organization scheme. Before, there were the seldom-used "Academics" and "News" pages. "News" has since been generalized into "Blog", and "Academics" has been merged with "Cool Stuff".

That's all I have to talk about. Expect more articles to be written when time permits. If you have any suggestions, my contact info is on the bottom of the "About" page.

PS: I've added a few more articles to the "Projects" page. You should take a look at them.